Feasibility Studies


A feasibility study is an important tool for assessing the viability of a project or venture. It is a comprehensive assessment of the potential for success of a proposed project or venture, and it typically includes an analysis of the technical, economic, legal, and operational aspects of the proposed project. Feasibility studies are used to determine whether a project should be pursued or not. The purpose of a feasibility study is to evaluate the potential success of a proposed project or venture. It is an important step in the decision-making process and can help identify any potential risks associated with pursuing the project. A feasibility study should provide an objective assessment of the proposed project’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as its potential for success. The first step in conducting a feasibility study is to define the scope of the project. This involves identifying what needs to be done, who will be involved in doing it, and how long it will take to complete. Once these parameters have been established, it is important to assess whether there are sufficient resources available to complete the project successfully. This includes assessing whether there are enough personnel with appropriate skills and experience available to carry out the work required, as well as whether there are sufficient financial resources available to fund it. The next step in conducting a feasibility study is to analyze any potential risks associated with pursuing the project. This includes considering any legal issues that may arise from undertaking such a venture, as well as any environmental or health and safety concerns that may need to be addressed before proceeding with the project. It is also important to consider any technological challenges that may need to be overcome in order for the project to succeed. Once all potential risks have been identified and assessed, it is then necessary to analyze whether they can be mitigated or eliminated altogether before proceeding with the project. If they cannot be eliminated entirely, then strategies must be developed for managing them effectively so that they do not become major obstacles during the implementation of the proposed venture. Finally, once all risks have been identified and addressed appropriately, it is necessary to assess whether there are sufficient financial resources available for funding the proposed venture. This involves analyzing both short-term and long-term costs associated with pursuing such a venture and determining whether these costs can be covered by existing funds or if additional funding will need to be sought from external sources such as investors or lenders. In conclusion, conducting a thorough feasibility study prior to embarking on any new business venture will save money, time and effort.

For Businesses 

Before devoting a significant amount of time, energy, and money to a project, it is prudent to assess its economic value and determine its impact on the owners’ wealth.

Throughout the project’s economic cycle, the feasibility model accelerates, hibernates, and adapts. It is a business compass and an important part of strategic planning.

For Entrepreneurs

  • It measures the financial health of the projec
  • It helps in finding financial milestones and KPIs
  • It guides entrepreneurs through the business cycle


Economic study discerns the pros and cons of undertaking a project, economicaly,  before investing a lot of time, money and effort into it. It studies the profitability of a business venture or idea. 


  1. Introduction: Client briefing
  2. Assessment & allocating resources
  3. On ground research
  4. Assessing the need for a technical advice

Feasibility Studies Stats

  • Lending rejection because of lack of feasibility and business plan 87% 87%
  • SMEs contribution to total work force in Egypt (2019) 75% 75%
  • SMEs that do not approach traditional lenders in Egypt (OB) 70% 70%
  • Startups that fail in the first 5 years 95% 95%

What will you get?

A thorough examination of the market, competition, sales channels, and financial projections, as well as scenario analysis.

It includes a SWOT analysis, an evaluation of the business plan, and an independent financial opinion.

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